A relaxing chat with Claire Casely, known as The Fairy Whisperer. Claire lives in Magical Dartmoor and is an intuitive artist, researcher, and storyteller, engaging people with faery enchantment through nature, the landscape and creativity. She has a podcast called Faery Whispering and she also writes and makes faery art.
Claire shares the pixie experience that she had alongside her mum and reveals a mini initiation she was called to, as an introduction to a Fae being, in a local walking spot that she visited.
We also discuss how it’s sometimes difficult to discuss our fairy interests with loved ones and how we can manage those situations. Plus pre-cognitive dreams, fairy guides and much much more!
The bonus for members of Patreon is an exclusive faery guide audio pathworking from Claire’s Faery Journey of Heart Awakening which she talks about during our chat.
This episode was also released on the Modern Fairy Sightings YouTube channel.
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Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.
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Show notes
I’m Claire Casely, a Faery Whisperer, take my hand and I’ll guide you through the twilight woodland, where They are waiting to meet you…listen for the whispers from your heart and be the change.
Claire’s Faery Whispering Podcast explores the multi-sensory pathways into the Otherworld of faeries and other Supernatural beings, from listening to messages in owl hoots, singing to the sea in a moonlit cove, seeing through the eyes of a faery artist, or what to give a gnome when they come to dinner…
Photos from the Show
The naturally formed ‘fairy door’ discussed in the episode with the ‘bow tie’ rune: Dagaz ᛞ meaning “day”, “dawn”, “awakening” :
A selection of Claire’s insightful artwork is available at Etsy.com
Claire’s Links:
Art available on Etsy: www.etsy.com/uk/shop/TheFaeryWhisperer
Intuitive Faery Portrait Readings: www.faerywhisperer.co.uk/faery-guide-portrait/
Webpage: www.faerywhisperer.co.uk/about_claire/
Social Media:
Support Claire’s podcast & art:
Faery Whisperer Patreon Community:
Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/faerywhisperer
Other links:
I mentioned Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse:
and Quest for the Lost Civilisation:
Want to report a sighting?
Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
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