Ep 90: Druid Adrian Rooke and Gwyn ap Nudd, King of the Fairies

Adrian is a well-known and much-loved Druid of The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. He is a dear friend. I often join him at Stanton Drew to provide the the equinox and solstice public ceremonies. Everyone is welcome. The link to the Facebook page for dates etc is below.

Some years ago, he told me about his experience with Gwyn ap Nudd. I know Ade well and there’s very little that phases him but this encounter had a profound effect on him, as he describes here.

We also touch on: 
– what it’s like to feel different in this world
– the struggles of addiction
– finding your true path and much more!

I hope you enjoy this chat. Adrian has led a really interesting life and has helped so many people in his role as a counsellor, particularly for people suffering from addictions. We all love his stories and he has a lot of wisdom to impart in this world.

⭐️ In the B O N U S episode on Patreon I share a video about the ‘Dancing Fairies of Sennen Cove’ Cornwall, where I visited in August.

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.


Contact Adrian

Ogham Pendants

Ade’s workshops with Jo Dunbar, Medical Herbalist


Join us at a public ceremony at Stanton Drew

Recommendations for Wellbeing:

Pathworkings/Meditations for Wellbeing:

My ‘Connecting with Ancestors’ meditation is free here:

My mindfulness meditation free here:

Podcast intro music: Transmutate by Snowflake (c) copyright 2020 Licensed. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

SUPPORT THE PODCAST: The ‘Curious Folk’ tier is now available to join 

Subscribe, rate, review and share the wonder ❤️✨

If you enjoy the show, please consider sharing your favourite episodes with friends. Don't forget to rate and subscribe wherever you listen, and if you can, please support by joining The Curious Crew on Patreon

Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
If you love the show and want support it and join our loving community you can find us at Patreon 

Ep 91: Darragh Mason: The Dark Man

I chat to Darragh Mason, author, researcher and host of Spirit Box Podcast, about his new book Song of the Dark Man.

Our discussion begins with an overview of what, rather than who, ‘The Dark Man’ is. We then move onto the folklore and finally go over some of the first hand encounters which make up the second half of Darragh’s book.

It’s genuinely a fantastic read and I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. I also found that it brought a deeper understanding to the encounters that we’ve heard here on Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast, where our guests have crossed paths with aspects of The Dark Man.

So, if you haven’t got your hands on a copy of Song of the Dark Man yet, then tarry not…you need this book in your life 🖤

And be sure to check out Spirit Box Podcast on YouTube where, through his interviews with a fine array of incredible guests, Darragh explores folklore, esoterica and the mysteries of spirit world: https://www.youtube.com/@SpiritBox
Audio version on all apps including Spotify and Apple:

Darragh also has a Spirit Box Podcast Patreon group which I am in too. It’s a brilliant community of people, sharing and supporting one another. Always something interesting happening. I highly recommend it as a community with a great bunch of folks 💚

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.

⭐️ In the B O N U S episode on the Modern Fairy Sightings Patreon, I share some stories of The Dark Man (often known as The Black Man in Irish folklore, which does not refer to race) from the Duchas.ie Schools Collection of folklore from 1930s Ireland

Recommendations for Wellbeing:

Pathworkings/Meditations for Wellbeing:

My ‘Connecting with Ancestors’ meditation is free here:

My mindfulness meditation free here:

Podcast intro music: Transmutate by Snowflake (c) copyright 2020 Licensed. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

SUPPORT THE PODCAST: The Curious Folk tier is available to join with a free one week trial!

Subscribe, rate, review and share the wonder ❤️✨

If you enjoy the show, please consider sharing your favourite episodes with friends. Don't forget to rate and subscribe wherever you listen, and if you can, please support by joining The Curious Crew on Patreon

Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
If you love the show and want support it and join our loving community you can find us at Patreon 

Ep 85: “They Want To Talk To Us” South Wales Encounter

Our guest was only eleven years old when he wandered away from his holiday caravan site and found himself in the woods, communicating with two white beings.

They guided him through ‘rooms’ which seemed to have glass walls facing into the forest and showed him some kind of technical representation of how they were aiding us here on Earth. He also experienced lost time during the event.

Until recently he had never been able to speak about his experience. When he heard others talking on the show, he decided to contact me.

Every single encounter shared in the Project offers us greater understanding of this Universe. As you will see, this is no exception.

🌟 The Patreon-Exclusive full length episode is a whole extra hour of conversation with our guest. He describes what he feels is ahead for us in the future and part of that is all about ‘changing our perspective’. He also talks about how this experience developed over time for him. Join us on Patreon for lots of bonus content and most of all, our beautiful, warm community of like-minded folks.

Our guest’s artist’s impression of the two beings that he met.

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.


Ep 28: Illumined Communion (A woman has an encounter with a blue light shape in her home).

Ep 82: “The Puppets are Coming for Me…” -( our guest in mentions how the fairies got excited and couldn’t help themselves – much like episode 82)

Ep 83: Jason Atomic and the Blue Being

Patreon Bonus episode: Blue Man of Studham Common

Ep 21: Todd Grube: Awakening to Them (Todd describes being inside a craft and being able to view out of it’s walls)

Aid for Families in Gaza

For those who want to aid families Gaza in a practical way see Operation Olive Branch and please follow Leaf Moon on Instagram who is focusing on aiding verified families to get to safety: https://www.instagram.com/mothandmythos/
Leaf is also looking to work with other artists and fairy artists to raise money for these families. If you can help, please get in touch with her on Insta.

Recommendations for Wellbeing:

Pathworkings/Meditations for Wellbeing:

My ‘Connecting with Ancestors’ meditation is free here:

My mindfulness meditation free here:

Podcast intro music: Transmutate by Snowflake (c) copyright 2020 Licensed. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

SUPPORT THE PODCAST: The ‘Curious Folk’ tier is now available to join 

Subscribe, rate, review and share the wonder ❤️✨

If you enjoy the show, please consider sharing your favourite episodes with friends. Don't forget to rate and subscribe wherever you listen, and if you can, please support by joining The Curious Crew on Patreon

Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
If you love the show and want support it and join our loving community you can find us at Patreon 

Ep 79: Night Time Gnome Came Looking for Me! (New Zealand)

I speak to a man in Auckland New Zealand, who grew up in what was originally native bush land. As a child, he had what sounds like a gnome encounter inside his home. His response to the frightening experience had a profound effect on how he decided to live his life from that point forward.

Our guest’s inspiring story suggests what may be possible if we can look beyond our fears and lean into communication with landscape and the non-human beings who reside there.

It feels like an important story for us to hear at this time.

Image: Comus, Arthur Rackham (1921)

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.

 ⭐️ Head to Patreon for the full length version of our chat in video version ⭐️


Astrology recommendation: Pam Gregory YouTube

For more info on chakras head to ‘The Body Mirror System of Healing’ and I recommend Martin Brofman’s book: Anything Can Be Healed.

New Zealand folklore :

Pirongia. Mystical mountain of the Patupaiarehe


Search Te Ara – Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand

Understanding tangihanga – Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand


Pathworkings/Meditations for Wellbeing:

My ‘Connecting with Ancestors’ meditation is free here:

My mindfulness meditation free here:

Podcast intro music: Transmutate by Snowflake (c) copyright 2020 Licensed. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

SUPPORT THE PODCAST: The ‘Curious Folk’ tier is now available to join 

Subscribe, rate, review and share the wonder ❤️✨

If you enjoy the show, please consider sharing your favourite episodes with friends. Don't forget to rate and subscribe wherever you listen, and if you can, please support by joining The Curious Crew on Patreon

Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
If you love the show and want support it and join our loving community you can find us at Patreon 

Ep 72: Californian Gnome Portals

Our guest describes a sighting in 2016 in California, which occurred after a plant medicine church meeting. Whilst sitting in his car waiting for a friend, he watched two gnomes, no more than three ft tall in height, appear from a bush one after the other. They ‘waddle’ across the street and disappear into another bush.

(Apologies for the poor sound quality! I have done the best I can with the file – it was much worse to begin with). 


In the exclusive bonus episode on Patreon we hear of a multiple witness sighting of a white glowing human-sized figure after taking part in an indigenous ritual. It was observed on private land and the owner of the land appeared to be aware of the spirits that he shared this space with. The encounter lasted several minutes and the being emitted a ‘headlight’ type of light which shone into his eyes.

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.

Podcast intro music: Transmutate by Snowflake (c) copyright 2020 Licensed. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Image: A Travelling Gnome with his Toadstool by Heinrich Schlitt (German, 1849-1923)



Marjorie Johnson (2018):   Seeing Fairies: From the Lost Archives of the Fairy Investigation Society, Authentic Reports of Fairies in Modern Times

Simon Young: Fairy Census 2014 – 2017

Jack Hunter (2023) Deep Weird: The Varieties of High Strangeness Experience

Rudolf Otto (1917) The Idea of the Holy: An Inquiry Into the Non-rational Factor in the Idea of the Divine and Its Relation to the Rational

The ‘Curious Folk’ tier is now available to join 

Here is the experience at West Kennet that I refer to: https://www.patreon.com/posts/west-kennet-82913328  it’s in our new Collections on Patreon. 

Subscribe, rate, review and share the wonder ❤️✨

If you enjoy the show, please consider sharing your favourite episodes with friends. Don't forget to rate and subscribe wherever you listen, and if you can, please support by joining The Curious Crew on Patreon

Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
If you love the show and want support it and join our loving community you can find us at Patreon 

Ep 69: Beckoned by Forest and Lake: Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Our guest describes his extreme childhood experience in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, involving musical enchantment, levitation, loss of time and senses and deep connection to raw nature.

We hear how he was enchanted into the woods and ended up in a potentially life-threatening situation. Despite the intensity of the experience, he hold the view that it opened him up to a new way of seeing the world. A truly remarkable story and a much treasured share.

A second experience was described during our conversation. It is just as amazing as the first and will be released nearer winter solstice.

This story contains descriptions of a child finding themselves alone in the forest and getting into potential danger in water. Although thankfully they were not harmed, it may be a trigger point for those who are sensitive to these subjects.

⭐️ In the bonus episode ⭐️

In the bonus episode I read from Yeats’ The Celtic Twilight and a story collected by 19th century folklorist, Thomas Crofton Croker

Image: ‘Place of Ghliocais’ kindly permitted by Merle Oberon at Moth Creative https://www.instagram.com/mothcreative/

Podcast intro music: Transmutate by Snowflake (c) copyright 2020 Licensed. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.


Paviland Cave ‘lady’

Welsh people as early Britons

Mary Oliver’s fairy experiences in the forest:
Marjorie T. Johnson in Seeing Fairies by Marjorie T. Johnson (2014) (ed. Simon Young) pp. 33.

The Mad Merry Pranks of Robin Goodfellow by Ben Johnson (1628)

Thomas Crofton Croker’s Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland (1825 – 1828)

Interesting articles re water related fairies:



Please submit your fairy sightings to The Fairy Census and I would love to hear from you if you’d like to discuss your experience either for research, my forthcoming book or the Podcast.

Subscribe, rate, review and share the wonder ❤️✨

If you enjoy the show, please consider sharing your favourite episodes with friends. Don't forget to rate and subscribe wherever you listen, and if you can, please support by joining The Curious Crew on Patreon

Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
If you love the show and want support it and join our loving community you can find us at Patreon 

Ep 68: A Gnome Ran Across My Bed!: Maintaining Childhood Wonder

I chat to a woman originally from the south east of England, about her real experiences with fairy beings. They include childhood levitation, a bedroom based fairy visitation, and a multiple-witness sighting of a tiny humanoid disappearing into a hedge. She describes seeing orbs inside her bedroom as a child as well as lights in trees and we hear the strange case of a fairy-related text message which the sender had not written!

⭐️ In the bonus episode ⭐️

The bonus share is the story of a ‘Stick Man’ or ‘Tree Being’ which she and her husband became used to seeing around their home in New York State.  I hold a special place in my heart for these creatures. Having seen one myself a number of years ago. They appear to be sensitive, peaceful beings who are connected with the land in which they appear and are perhaps even guardians of that land. We hear snippets of previous guests encounters with Stick Men (some of them previous exclusive bonuses)

Some of the experiences described may be unsettling for some listeners who are sensitive to creepy content. These stories are not suitable for children.

Image: Margaret Tarrant ‘On Primrose Hill’

Music: Elf Meditation by Kevin Macleod

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.


Dr Simon Young on Levitation

Boggart and Banshee episode on Levitation

Spirit Box Patreon Bonus on The Flying Men Sect of Haiti

Dr Simon Young’s Fairy Census

Fairy Census submissions which feature in this episode:

#90A – Reception teacher in woods
#30 – Tinkling lights in hedge
#94 – Gnomes in the playbox
#364 – Parade of fairies across bedroom floor
#61 – Dancing fairies on duvet
#123 – Elf in the grass
#142 – Fairy being followed them home

Please submit your fairy sightings to The Fairy Census

Subscribe, rate, review and share the wonder ❤️✨

If you enjoy the show, please consider sharing your favourite episodes with friends. Don't forget to rate and subscribe wherever you listen, and if you can, please support by joining The Curious Crew on Patreon

Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
If you love the show and want support it and join our loving community you can find us at Patreon 

Ep 64: ‘The People That Aren’t People’

A woman from San Diego, California shares a whole host of extraordinary encounters with people who took the appearance of human beings but felt decisively, not-of-this-world.

From a strangely terrifying family in a Walmart car park to a disappearing cowboy, you may well find that these stories strike a chord with some odd encounters of your own.

Perhaps the most intriguing of all, ‘The Hitchhiker’ may lead you to question what is really ‘real’ anymore. Is the Universe communing with our subconscious by way of metaphors and archetypes?

Some of the experiences described may be unsettling for some listeners who are sensitive to creepy content. These stories are not suitable for children.

⭐️ In the bonus episode ⭐️

🌚 Our guest shares some more personal experiences which took place just outside her home and also more recently, within her home.

Image: Still from GIF by Almost Dead https://giphy.com/channel/AlmostDead

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.


Wellbeing: Insight Timer App with free meditations

Further reading/listening regarding the Trickster:

Simon Young and Chris Woodyard’s Podcast: Boggart and Banshee https://www.buzzsprout.com/1859647/13142425-the-immortals-among-us-the-wandering-jew-and-other-undying-ones

Simon Young’s Sourcebook: Meeting an Immortal: Encounters with the Wandering Jew in British Folklore

If you are interested in the Trickster, you need to read The Trickster and The Paranormal by George P. Hansen

On the theme of ‘personhood of landscapes’ etc, I recommend reading Dr Jack Hunter’s Greening the Paranormal which in turn signposts to further reading.

Wonderful Women:
Bethan Briggs-Miller of Eerie Essex and Spectre of the Sea
Icy Sedgwick of Fabulous Folklore with Icy
Kate Ray of Hare in the Hawthorn
Claire Casely of Fairy Whispering

Fae Connection Tea Ceremony Online Workshops with Todd Grube

Saturday 12th August 2023 16:00 – 17:30 (BST) and
Saturday 19th August 2023 09:00 – 10:30 (BST)

Tickets Eventbrite: £25.00

(Patreon supporters of The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast receive 20% off)

☕️Tea meditation or Cha-dao is a ancient form of Shamanic meditation practice from south China which uses the plant medicine, Camellia Sinensis or tea!

🧚‍♂️It has been used by shamans, healers and Taoist for around 20,000 years as a tool to communicate with gods, Fae, elementals, guides, Star people and power animals.

🌱Tea is a plant teacher and medicine which helps open you to receive messages and even communicate with different Fae and light beings.

Todd Grube – Tea Ritual Teacher and Mystic Mover

🌟In this workshop Todd will talk about:
the history of tea : how to do a tea meditation : which teas to use for tea meditations : philosophy of tea meditation : how to use tea as a medicine and to connect with the Fae and light beings.

✨We will run a ritual ceremony during the workshop followed by an opportunity to share our experiences and ask questions. The whole workshop will be 1.5 hours

☕️ 🧚🏻‍♂️✨🧚🏻‍♂️✨🧚🏻‍♂️☕️

Todd has previously discussed his extraordinary experiences with Fae and other non-human beings on The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast.

You can hear Todd talk about tea in this episode:

Book your space on Eventbrite

For more information contact scarlettofthefae@gmail.com or

Subscribe, rate, review and share the wonder ❤️✨

If you enjoy the show, please consider sharing your favourite episodes with friends. Don't forget to rate and subscribe wherever you listen, and if you can, please support by joining The Curious Crew on Patreon

Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
If you love the show and want support it and join our loving community you can find us at Patreon 

Shape-Shifting Tree Folk and a Love of Nature

I meet Paul from Alberta, Canada who tells me about his experience with a shape-shifting being. The encounter took place during a visit to a forest environment which he had grown to love.

We discuss the importance of nature in our lives and the instinctive responses which we should always pay attention to.

This is a lovely, heartwarming chat .

Paul will be joining ‘The Curious Crew’ who support the show this summer for an online Q and A plus…

⭐️The bonus episode ⭐️ includes:

🌳 narrated modern encounters from Dr Simon Young’s Fairy Census 2014 – 2017 and Marjorie T. Johnson’s Seeing Fairies, that bear resemblance to the encounter in this episode.

🌳 our extended conversation which continued off-episode

⚡️🍄⚡️MUSHROOM WARNING: I do of course need to add a disclaimer here to protect folks. The brown capped mushroom that looks like Fly Agaric could be Panther Cap which is highly toxic and in rare cases, can kill. Please do not go picking or ingesting mushrooms unless you are with a trained professional.

Image: ‘Wood Goblin’ by Alexander Vygalov https://piat.ru/en/jivopis

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.


If you have had a fairy sighting, please complete Dr Simon Young’s ongoing Fairy Census which is found here.

Warning: I do not advise people to pick or ingest mushrooms unless they are with a professionally trained ID expert. Many mushrooms are poisonous and harmful if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Tinder Hoof Identification


Subscribe, rate, review and share the wonder ❤️✨

If you enjoy the show, please consider sharing your favourite episodes with friends. Don't forget to rate and subscribe wherever you listen, and if you can, please support by joining The Curious Crew on Patreon

Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
If you love the show and want support it and join our loving community you can find us at Patreon 

Ep 62: Visitations from ‘The Lady’ with Amanda Mariamne Radcliffe

I chat with High Priestess and Bishop of the French Gnostic Church, Amanda Mariamne Radcliffe.

We explore Amanda’s experiences with the Divine which include a visitation from ‘The Lady’ and a number of fairy sightings. She describes her deep connection with the Cathars and how she came to live in ‘Cathar Country’ in Mont Segur, Occitaine and Rennes Le Bain in Aude, both situated in the South of France. 

We discuss Amanda’s extraordinary life journey so far, which has at times been directed by dream insights. 

⭐️The bonus episode ⭐️ contains:

🌹 (what sounds like) a Tokoloshe experience and what sort of emotional states fairies appear to be attracted to.

🌹 power points in the landscape,  including Mont Segur, Rennes le Bain and  Glastonbury.

🌹 how dream insights led Amanda to live in Rennes Le Bain and join the Gnostic Order in France.

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.


I audio recorded this week’s Stanton Drew Solstice Ceremony 2023 led by Druid, Adrian Rooke. You can listen here.

If you have had a sighting, please complete Dr Simon Young’s ongoing Fairy Census which is found here.

Michael Le Flem on Visions of Atlantis discussion on Spirit Box Podcast

Subscribe, rate, review and share the wonder ❤️✨

If you enjoy the show, please consider sharing your favourite episodes with friends. Don't forget to rate and subscribe wherever you listen, and if you can, please support by joining The Curious Crew on Patreon

Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
If you love the show and want support it and join our loving community you can find us at Patreon