A plethora of encounters and experiences from two sisters who grew up in the Staffordshire Moorlands. Twins, Gemma and Kate lived on a farm in Leek and their experiences shared here include: trooping gnomes, lights in trees, a visitation from a Raven at a funeral, spectral chanting monks, disappearing and reappearing objects and much much more!
⭐️In the exclusive bonus on Patreon, our guests share further spooky events which took place at a haunted hotel in Devon that used to be owned by a member of her family. Plus, I will read some supernatural lore and weird tales of Staffordshire including the headless horseman of Onecote, local fairies dancing in a ring near Leek, the Black Mere of Morridge and Lud’s Church. Staffordshire seems to be quite a hot spot!⭐️
*Bonus will release on Monday 24th April at 4pm at https://www.patreon.com/themodernfairysightingspodcast
Main Image: “Pro Pàtria” fragment of verses from the same chapter of Liliana.
by Apel les Mestres 1907
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Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.
Show notes
Ravens, the largest birds in the corvid family, are well known in folklore as psychopomps – creatures who lead the recently deceased souls to and from the afterlife as part of the transmigration process.
The Morrigan famously takes the form of the raven as does the Welsh god, Bran the Blessed. In Native American mythology they are known as messenger spirits and guardians of magic. In Northern European folklore, ravens were viewed as guides for the dead. Odin himself had two ravens, Huginn (thought) and Muninn (memory) who flew around the world gathering knowledge on his account, similar to Lugh the Irish God who also had two ravens.
Processional Gnomes
It was the Irish poet, William Butler Yeats who originally divided the fairies into ‘trooping’ and ‘solitary’ in his book, Irish Fairy and Folk Tales. The general sense is that the troopers are largely benevolent while the solitary folk can be mischievious or dangerous. However, from my own pleasant experience with what appeared to be a solitary Fae man, the above does not necessarily ring true!
Other instances of these observed formation of Fairies are in Episode 31: Arrival of the Fairy Host. I also mention previous guests of the show, Dr Jack Hunter and Dr Neil Rushton‘s experiences.
Lights in the Sky https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12367516/reviews
Mixon Mine Fairies: https://ludchurchmyblog.wordpress.com/places-of-other-local-interest/mixon-mine-fairies/
Gem’s She-Shed and Garden Sightings
Gem talks about some anomalous lights in her shed, which I will upload on Monday 24th April. In the meantime, check out this strange photo which seems to capture a being with a hat wandering around her garden!! If anyone out there is an expert on photos and videos, please contact me.
Gem’s ‘Missing Jewellery’ story on BBC Sounds:
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Is it my imagination or is the gnome farthest in on the art work blowing up that snail’s butt? 😲🫣🤭😁
Hahaa!! Yes, and why not. The snail consented and was delighted with himself.
Hi Jo!
Love the show, such a thorough and fascinating investigation of otherworldly experiences! Your own enthusiasm and curiosity shines through. I just wanted to mention that the birdy on the top of the sign in your photo is a jackdaw, they are corvids – members of the crow family.
And the other observation I have, though I’m not sure how valuable it is, lol, is that the gnomey type fella wandering around Gem’s garden looks like one of Snap, Crackle and Pop! The old Rice Crispies mascots. Like I say, not sure how useful that is, but it makes me chuckle.
Thank you Aoife! Yes!!! the gnome does look like one of those fellas…hahaa! I totally see that now. will pass it on to her 🙂
thank you. My husband designed it. I have a red cloak and before I let my hair go fully grey it was dark brown, almost black (my original colouring). So it’s an old portrait of me. I do absolutely love corvids but I always assumed it was a raven. I guess he must have drawn a Jackdaw. I will look into the significance of that. I will let him know too. Thank you and thanks for following the show 🌸
I want to mention that there is a whole book on disappearing/reappearing objects, written by former president of the Oxford University Society for Psychical Research, Mary Rose Barrington. The title is “JOTT: when things disappear… and come back or relocate – and why it really happens.” JOTT is an acronym of ‘Just One of Those Things’. The book came to my attention on one the paranormal subreddits on Reddit, where people frequently post their accounts of jewelry and other objects disappearing/reappearing. I’ve noticed it’s quite often earrings and wedding rings. I myself have experienced earrings disappearing/reappearing.
Here’s Mary Barrington’s wiki entry:
And here’s the US amazon link:
Brilliant! Thank you ☺️
This was such a delightful, packed full of wonderousness, episode! So many interesting, unique experiences those women experienced. Fascinating!
Really enjoyed your chat with them.
Thank you Tracey! I’m delighted they are being listened to and enjoyed. It was a very special episode, I agree!
Wow bowled over by their stories thank you