Ep 68: A Gnome Ran Across My Bed!: Maintaining Childhood Wonder

I chat to a woman originally from the south east of England, about her real experiences with fairy beings. They include childhood levitation, a bedroom based fairy visitation, and a multiple-witness sighting of a tiny humanoid disappearing into a hedge. She describes seeing orbs inside her bedroom as a child as well as lights in trees and we hear the strange case of a fairy-related text message which the sender had not written!

⭐️ In the bonus episode ⭐️

The bonus share is the story of a ‘Stick Man’ or ‘Tree Being’ which she and her husband became used to seeing around their home in New York State.  I hold a special place in my heart for these creatures. Having seen one myself a number of years ago. They appear to be sensitive, peaceful beings who are connected with the land in which they appear and are perhaps even guardians of that land. We hear snippets of previous guests encounters with Stick Men (some of them previous exclusive bonuses)

Some of the experiences described may be unsettling for some listeners who are sensitive to creepy content. These stories are not suitable for children.

Image: Margaret Tarrant ‘On Primrose Hill’

Music: Elf Meditation by Kevin Macleod

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.


Dr Simon Young on Levitation

Boggart and Banshee episode on Levitation

Spirit Box Patreon Bonus on The Flying Men Sect of Haiti

Dr Simon Young’s Fairy Census

Fairy Census submissions which feature in this episode:

#90A – Reception teacher in woods
#30 – Tinkling lights in hedge
#94 – Gnomes in the playbox
#364 – Parade of fairies across bedroom floor
#61 – Dancing fairies on duvet
#123 – Elf in the grass
#142 – Fairy being followed them home

Please submit your fairy sightings to The Fairy Census

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Want to report a sighting?

Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
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