Ep 93: Fairies of Hedges and Homes (Sheffield, England)

This is the story of a woman from Sheffield in the North of England, who experienced a fairy flying out from a hedge near her home, in an area which had already felt particularly special to her. She later encountered an imp while staying in a holiday cottage with her family.

With a history of mediumship that seems to have been passed down her ancestral lineage through her great grandmothers (listen to the full extended version on Patreon for a discussion on her mediumship experiences) , Corinne shares how her abilities showed up initially and how she was ultimately able to use visualisation to release a fairy being who appeared to be unwittingly ‘stuck’ in this material plane.

This episode was recorded in July 2024.

⭐️ BONUS ⭐️ In the extended full length P A T R E O N version we also hear about our guest’s encounter with the Angel Metatron and how her experiences with the Otherworld continue to inspire her artwork. 

Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.

Recommendations for Wellbeing:

Pathworkings/Meditations for Wellbeing:

My ‘Connecting with Ancestors’ meditation is free here:

My mindfulness meditation free here:

Podcast intro music: Transmutate by Snowflake (c) copyright 2020 Licensed. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
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