A winter solstice trip to a cottage in the forest, brings an Austrian couple face to face with a human/horse hybrid. This will leave you with many questions, I’m sure. If you are thinking of taking a trip into forest areas this Christmas then…keep your ears and eyes peeled!
In the full length episode on Patreon, you will hear the second experience this same man encountered with his now-husband some years later. Again, it was a horse being but this time it was a beautiful experience accompanied by an aspect of The Lady.
Warning: These are not fairytales. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast is designed for viewers and listeners 16 years and older. This show is unsuitable for children or anyone who might be sensitive to creepy content.
Podcast intro music: Transmutate by Snowflake (c) copyright 2020 Licensed. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Main Image: from Monstrorium Historia by Ulisse Aldrovandi (1642)

Monstrorum Historia (1642) by Ulisse Aldrovandi
Krampus- great episode by Bone and Sickle goes into the history of the Krampus
Chambers Dictionary of the Unexplained
The Snowfall Slasher by Cimitir
God Rest you Merry Gentlemen by Chillmore
Falling Snow (Ambient Bells) by Dream Protocol
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Contact me at: scarlettofthefae@gmail.com
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